Karmaloop LLCElf Cosmetics
Where's the "health" ?!
I am sure you have noticed the health part of the banner and I am sure you have noticed the no health related posts. Well, the reason is because of me!

A little over a month ago I was on a good track to a healthier lifestyle. I was hopping on the treadmill more often, drinking more water, and even saying no to my beloved Coca-Cola products. Then my plan hit an iceburg called "The Flu". I was sick for almost two weeks and during that I did not exercise and drank all the Coke and Sprite I could get my hands on. After I got over my flu I did not immediately go back to my healthy lifestyle. Since my "friend" Mother Nature as decided to release the good weather I need to go back to losing weight and toning up.

I used the internet to help in my goals of health and decided that I would occasionally post about my finds. So here is the first site that I think is very simple and informative about losing weight. Bookmark and read later because it is very long but so worth it to understand the "mathematics of losing weight.

Stay Stylish! (and healthy!)
Posted on Mar 28 2006 4:53 pm UTC by samida
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