Karmaloop LLCElf Cosmetics
Are people still sleeping on Payless!
Do not get me wrong, I do have a few pair of designer, expensive, and unneccessary shoes in my mini collection, but I do also have alot of inexspensive, yet cute shoes. Most of these cheap-er shoes were purchased at the one and only Payless.
While growing up, buying shoes from Payless had such a nasty and ugly stigma attached to them that it was embarrasing! Nowadays, Payless has stepped up their foot game so much, especailly for women, that women openly and proudly admit if they purchased a cute pair of shoes from Payless.
I know not everyone is ready to jump up on this train, but if you think about it it will save you a boatload of money in the long run. Why spend almost $500 on a pair of trendy Manolo's when in just two months time they will no longer be in style and taking up much needed space for more things. If the idea of saving money is not convincing you to browse in Payless, then maybe these will:

How cute are these! Plus, they are a fashionable steal for only $16.99!
If you still have that whole "embarassed to be seen in Payless" thing going on, then you can always go to my favorite shopping place: The Internet!
Click Here to go directly to purchase the shoes above.

Stay Stylish! (and money cautious!)
Posted on Apr 7 2006 12:04 am UTC by samida
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