Karmaloop LLCElf Cosmetics
A hair-rific story!

Well, since I answered the Kiss Me Stace question of the worst fashion mistake I ever made, I have decided to give the worse hair mistake I ever made. So, here goes!

A couple of years ago when I was still in college, I decided to grow out all the chemicals in my hair. At that point I had not relaxed my hair in over three months but I just dyed my hair a couple of weeks beforehand. I had almost 5 years of different shades of red and brown dye in my hair starting from high school until then.

After almost 5 months without relaxing or coloring my hair, I noticed about 3 inches of new growth. Therefore, I made the quick decision to cut all the color I had left in my hair, which wasn't much! I cut about 2 inches of color out, including the front. When I was done, my hair was so short in the front that I couldn't do anything with it. It kind of resembled Lisa Simpson's hair, standing straight up in the front. Even the combination of gel and hair spray could not hold it down. It was bad!

But now, thanks to patience, curly hair styles, and the discovery of my hair mecca, my hair is healthier and at a good length (mid-back to be exact!). I am so proud to say that I am three years sober of relaxers and dye, although I would like to dye my hair a nice chocolate brown.

Stay Stylish!

Posted on Apr 13 2006 9:24 pm UTC by samida
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