Karmaloop LLCElf Cosmetics
Now introducing...

the two newest items added to my closet today. I decided to go shopping with a good friend of mine today. We went to Macy's, Dillards, Holliday's Fashion, Old Navy, Target, and a bunch of other stores. Unfortunately, with my wallet a little breezy I did not have many options, but I was able to walk through my door with two new things.

 The first thing that I got was this blue tote from Target. It is so big and as I have said on previous posts, "I am a sucker for a big bag!" The bag comes in blue (shown), orange, and tan. It was a toss up between the blue and the orange. I settled on blue, because it would look good for with anything for any occasion! Plus, it was a steal for 18.99 bucks + tax!

 While she was bringing me back home, we swung by the Old Navy by my house and I snatched up a couple of polo tops from the sale section. I got one in hot pink and one in this celery color green.  I needed more color in my closet. They didn't have them on their online store, but this one looks just like it.

Lately I have noticed that I am buying tops in modern and traditional shapes, but not neccessarily the colors. A couple of weeks I bought two button up and long sleeve shirts in a nice lilac and mint green. I still haven't worn them! I hope these two new polos don't meet the same fate. I doubt it, because I have been feening for some polos!  I would really love a polo top in a nice orange to pair with a pair of dark rinse jeans. I am on the lookout though!

Stay Stylish!

Posted on Apr 27 2006 11:39 pm UTC by samida
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