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Philosophical Perfection

Someone once asked me what constitutes the perfect purse? What does the perfect purse look like? Is it big enough to hold all the stuff I steal from the office on a daily basis or is it so small it can only hold lip gloss, a $20 bill, and the thinnest cell phone? You know, the neccesities for any given Saturaday night! Is it black, brown, or white? Will it break my wallet in thirty different places or is it cheap enough where I can buy it in all the colors alotted? I wish I knew the answer! Perfection and beauty fall into the same zany philosophical answer: It's in the eye of the beholder!

My perfect bag does not have a certain color. I don't descriminate. My perfect bag is big! Not big like a duffle bag, but I do wish I could pull that off! It would be prince range would be between $100-$500. Over the years or "collecting" purses I have learned to understand the pricing of bags. Out of a $1000 bag, $400 of that equals the material, $100 equals out the manufacturing and the other $500 goes to the name alone. A leather purse priced at $300 is right up my alley.

So what does my perfect bag look like, well wonder no more:

This Cole Haan is a perfect bag to me, for today at least! The shape is semi-simple except for the handle. The soft details of metal clips on the side. You can drag this bag to the office and probably stuff it with your stapler, three boxes of post-its, and your co-workers junk food stash. You know, all the things you've been eyeing since you got there. The best thing about this bag is that you don't see a logo or name in sight ON the bag. I love my designer bags, but sometimes its nice to be able to carry around a designer bag without having the designer's name or logo sprayed all over it(I don't mean you, Louis! I plan to be buried with you! XOXO)  You can also use this bag for a night out on the town, because it can hold all the numbers you are bound to get once the guys see you strut in with this classy bag. Plus, steal that shot glass you have been eyeing at your favorite drinking hole du jour!

Yeah, perfect bag my foot! Tommorrow when I'm vitually walking through Neiman Marcus, I will find another "perfect" bag in mind. Therefore, ignore everything you just read. This post never happened, 'kay! 

Speaking of perfect, here is my favorite philosophical riddle that I has no definite answer: "If practice makes perfect and there is no such thing as perfect, why practice?" Feel free to throw that around at your next function and watch people get real quite in thought!

Stay Stylish!

Posted on Nov 16 2006 7:50 pm UTC by samida
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