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I planned on answering a piece of reader mail, but unfortunately my apartment flooded over. The horrific neighbor that lived over me moved out a few weeks ago. I was glad about that, because she had this big ol' dog that she use to keep locked up all day in the room over mine. I would hear him scratching at the door to get out. I never knew his name, but I affectionately called him Oscar. I dunno! Anyway, I guess she realized that the apartment wasn't big enough, so she moved.

This morning, while I was preparing to write a very fashion infused post, I heard all this banging and moving around, so I assumed that maintence and crew was fixing up the apartment for a new tenant. WRONG!!! All of a sudden, water starts pouring from the ceiling in the little closet that harbors the heater! Then it started pouring out the air vent in the bathroom!! Then it made its way to the dining room coming out of the light fixture, air vent, and finally the light fixture in the kitchen!!!!! Needless to say, I immediately called the office and they promptly sent one of the maintence men. I heard him go upstairs first and do something up there and then he came to check out my mess.

He came and did a very brief walk through and asked if I heard some banging upstairs. I told him I did and that is how I learned something new today. Apparently, sombody(ies) went up there and busted holes in the wall to steal the copper. I have never heard about that! He told me that I should have called the police, but I didn't realize that was going on! Now, I am kind of in a mental blur, because as I type I hear someone walking around up there. The maintence man told me I should look to see if his truck outside if I hear commotion, if its not then call the police.

Now, I am walking around my apartment in a pair of Air Max while I wait for them to send someone with a WetVac to get the unwanted and unneeded water out of the carpet in my bedroom, the hallway, and dining room. I'll have to mop up the water in the kitchen in the kitchen and bathroom. I can hear ya'll jealousy through my computer!!

While I wait, here is something that I wish I had right now:

Jeffrey Campbell 'Welly' rain boots

Stay Stylish! ( BTW, the carpet guys arrived and are upstairs. So, hopefully they will be down here soon!)

Posted on Jan 30 2007 6:07 pm UTC by samida
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by zxmqs oike @ 21 Jul 2007 1:11 pm
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by zxmqs oike @ 21 Jul 2007 1:08 pm
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