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Bryna Nicole Sping 2008

Just yesterday, I was breezing through some of my fav stores trying to gather as many basic white tops and tees as my wallet could afford to prepare for my transitional outfit from winter to spring of jeans and white tops. As I have preached and threatened of 2.4 billion times, the best way to slap the boring out of a boring outfit is through accessories, preferably a big, bold, stylish bag. Needless to say, Bryna Nicole's bags can do that and then some.

Bryna's design philosophy goes:

"My ultimate design goal is to create a stylish handbag collection that portrays the mood of the woman carrying the bag. This mood can be confident and strong, innocent or playful - it is always a little funky and somewhat functional. The woman that I design for has a strong personal style and is fashionable and worldly. She appreciates fine fabrics and detailed construction. Items are meant to last from season to season, rather than fade with the latest trends. They are classic yet expressive and can represent personal changes in style from one outfit to the next."

You can never have too many bags, especially if they are truly chic and provide effortless style to any look you concoct. I'm not even a fan of lime green anything, but that lime green bag would be quite the eye catcher with a chocolate brown ensemble! There I go again...daydreaming looks!

To see more bags from Bryna Nicole, including from her previous collections, visit her site and get to browsing and buying!

Stay Stylish!

Posted on Feb 14 2008 10:03 pm UTC by samida
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