Karmaloop LLCElf Cosmetics
GUSTTO Small Leather Goods

I love a fab big bag and I have let you all know that on numerous occasions. However, I do keep a small and colorful wallet and/or coin purse in my bag. I do this, because when I'm just running to grab lunch at work or doing a small and quick errand, I don't like to drag my heavy bag with me. However, I still want to look put together and chic with a pop of color. My go-to color is red, but this summer I switched it up with a shiny neon pink wallet and electric blue coin purse.
Since it's fall, I want to warm up the colors in my wardrobe and that includes my wallet and coin purse and I think I might have found them at GUSTTO!
GUSTTO just introduced their collection of small leather goods that includes a cosmetic case, wallet, and coin purse in warm fall colors of purple, emerald green, and maize yellow. Personally, my heart is skipping some major beats over the purple Alessia cosmetic case,because it can double as a cute little clutch and the color is just so rich! The shiny gold and brass hardware paired with the purple is so hot! I think I might have to score this one before I start saving all my money up for Christmas shopping.
I also think I found the Christmas gift I'm going to give to myself! Shh, I'll show you later this week, but it's fabulous!
Stay Stylish!
Posted on Oct 19 2009 5:49 pm UTC by samida
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